
  • WG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
    Klein, Peter; Reiterer, Harald (2005): The CircleSegmentView : a visualization for query preview and visual filtering ERBACHER, Robert F., ed., Jonathan C. ROBERTS, ed., Matti T. GROHN, ed., Katy BORNER, ed.. Visualization and Data Analysis 2005. SPIE, 2005, pp. 327-338. SPIE Proceedings. 5669. Available under: doi: 10.1117/12.584540

The CircleSegmentView : a visualization for query preview and visual filtering


Users of Information Retrieval systems have often been the target group of Human-Computer Interaction researchers. A lot of effort has been spent inventing new forms of visualizations to support the information seeking process. Information Retrieval and Information Visualization are tight coupled fields of research. Together with psychology (which answers questions like "how" do users search) and usability engineering (answering questions like "what" do user expect from user interfaces and their behaviour) the research on improving information seeking systems goes on. This paper will concentrate on a meta-data driven, user-centered approach for the query formulation stage. In contrast to the intense research on result-set visualizations we will focus on the development of a visualization which supports human search behaviour at the query stage. Additionally this visualization proved that it can compete with other visualizations like the scatter-plot as a visual filter in the result-set presentation.

Origin (projects)

  Limbach, Tobias; Reiterer, Harald; Klein, Peter; Müller, Frank (2003): VisMeB : a visual metadata browser RAUTERBERG, Matthias, ed. and others. Human computer interaction : INTERACT 2003 : IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 1st - 5th September 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003, pp. 993-996. ISBN 1-58603-363-8

VisMeB : a visual metadata browser


The video-paper describes a java prototype of a generic visual information retrieval system called VisMeB, developed to visualize metadata within various contexts. We reconsidered common visualization strategies and applied them to different domains. The system we describe offers visual assistance in exploring large amounts of datasets from different application domains like geographical metadata, movie databases and the Web. The video demonstrates a scenario using a movie database.

Origin (projects)

    Reiterer, Harald; Limbach, Tobias; Müller, Frank; Klein, Peter; Jetter, Hans-Christian (2003): Ein visueller Metadaten Browser für die explorative Erkundung großer Datenmengen SZWILLUS, Gerd, ed. and others. Mensch und Computer 2003 : Interaktion in Bewegung. Stuttgart: Teubner, 2003, pp. 165-176. Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM. 57. ISBN 978-3-519-00441-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-322-80058-9_17

Ein visueller Metadaten Browser für die explorative Erkundung großer Datenmengen


Es wird ein visuelles Suchsystem zur explorativen Erkundung großer Datenmengen vorgestellt. Das System VisMeB (Visueller Metadaten-Browser) basiert auf einer Reihe von Designstudien, die im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Forschungsprojekte entwickelt worden sind. Der besondere Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf der Entwicklung innovativer Visualisierungs- und Interaktionstechniken, die den Benutzer von der Anfrageformulierung bis zur Ergebnisdarstellung unterstützen. Die anhand eines szenarienbasierten Usability Engineering Ansatzes entwickelten Designstudien wurden einer Reihe von Evaluationen unterzogen. Daraus ergaben sich zahlreiche Redesignvorschläge, die bereits umgesetzt wurden.

Origin (projects)

  Müller, Frank; Klein, Peter; Limbach, Tobias; Reiterer, Harald (2003): Visualization and interaction techniques of the visual metadata browser VisMeB 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management [proceedings of I-KNOW 03], Graz, Austria 2003. 2003, pp. 89-95

Visualization and interaction techniques of the visual metadata browser VisMeB


This paper will present a new visual information retrieval system for metadata and the interaction techniques of the new system. The abundance of information we get while analyzing search results of an arbitrary query has to be channeled. This can be done by different visualizations and filter techniques. We use a Scatterplot in combination with a so called SuperTable to support the process of finding relevant information in an intuitive yet multifunctional way. Visual filters and the interaction between the visualiza-tions play an important role. By examples from a web and a movie database search fea-tures are demonstrated.

Origin (projects)

  Limbach, Tobias; Klein, Peter; Müller, Frank; Reiterer, Harald (2003): Visualizing Metadata : LevelTable vs. GranularityTable in the SuperTable/Scatterplot Framework STEPHANIDIS, Constantine, ed. and others. Human-computer interaction : theory and practice (part II). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003, pp. 1106-1110. Human-computer interaction : proceedings of HCI International 2003. 2. ISBN 0-8058-4931-9

Visualizing Metadata : LevelTable vs. GranularityTable in the SuperTable/Scatterplot Framework


This paper will describe ongoing efforts to ease the information retrieval process on metadata, using a SuperTable/Scatterplot framework recently named VisMeB (Visual Metadata Browser). Based on the combination of a SuperTable (in two design variants) and a Scatterplot (also in two design variants), users can follow different search strategies to achieve results. Usability testing has showen, that an integration of our proposed visualizations supports most user s search style.

Origin (projects)

    Klein, Peter; Müller, Frank; Reiterer, Harald; Limbach, Tobias (2003): Metadata visualization with VisMeB Proceedings on Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003. IV 2003.. IEEE Comput. Soc, 2003, pp. 600-605. ISBN 0-7695-1988-1. Available under: doi: 10.1109/IV.2003.1218047

Metadata visualization with VisMeB


This paper presents a new framework for Metadata Visualization Systems called VisMeB (Visual Metadata Browser). It is based upon redesign ideas from the INSYDER System that were come under extensive evaluations. The aim of our approach is to improve the process of finding relevant information in an intuitive yet multifunctional way. We use a ScatterPlot in combination with a so called SuperTable for visualization. The two techniques are tightly coupled and present unique possibilities of interaction through the use of visual filters.

Origin (projects)

Further information
Period: 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100