Pattern for Next-generation Database Systems


Objectives p(a) Identification of the differences between a data- and a pattern-base management system (DBMS vs. PBMS) through a detailed study of related state-of-the-art research, including database and pattern recognition research.p(b) Basic research on PBMS theory and implementation (modeling, interface, storage, performance aspects).p(c) Dissemination of basic research results through publications and two workshop organizations.p(d) Application of PBMS theory in real needs on novel databases (moving objects, time series, image and multimedia databases) aided by an Industrial Advisory Group to be established.

  • AG Keim (Data Analysis and Visualization)
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Kennziffer
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Drittmittel Forschungsförderprogramm 537/02
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Laufzeit: seit 31.05.2004