Verbund Quant - Quantitative Analyse zu Publication Bias, Impactfaktoren und Maßnahme - Tools: Institutionelle Effekte und Autorenmerkmale = FP 655/18

  • Sociology
    Doucouliagos, Hristos; Hinz, Thomas; Zigova, Katarina (2022): Bias and careers : Evidence from the aid effectiveness literature European Journal of Political Economy. Elsevier. 2022, 71, 102056. ISSN 0176-2680. eISSN 1873-5703. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.102056

Bias and careers : Evidence from the aid effectiveness literature


We collect data on the careers of 189 authors who published aid effectiveness estimates during the 1970 to 2011 period, and apply meta-regression analysis to investigate the impact of authors' careers on the degree of selectivity in which results are reported. Among non-tenured researchers, publication selection bias and research inflation are increasing with age, on average. This bias is highest among older non-tenured researchers. In search for channels, we find suggestive evidence that a portion of the preferential reporting in favour of aid effectiveness is associated with non-tenured authors’ links with aid agencies.

Origin (projects)

Further information
Period: 01.09.2018 – 31.12.2021