SFB TRR 161 TP A 01 Quantifizierung und Analyse von Unsicherheit in Visual Computing


In the planned project, no investigations with animals or human materials will be conducted. User studies with adult participants are planned, in order to scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of the visualization techniques that will be developed and investigated in this project. The studies will be conducted in the form of usability studies in which participants use the visualization software in a regular office environment with a desktop PC. For these studies, established ethics standards and legal regulations will be applied. Any kind of endangering or deceiving participant will be ruled out. In particular, participants will be informed verbally and in writing, about their rights, the goals of the studies, and the type and extent of recorded data. Our process for preparing and conducting user studies is based on the framework by Langheinrich et al. The long-term goal of this project is the modeling, handling, and quantification of uncertainty throughout the complete visual computing process, from visual-computing specific models of uncertainty to the visual representation of, and interaction with, uncertainty information. To this end, we aim to investigate models and methods for quantifying individual sources of uncertainty, their effects on the visual computing process, their visual analysis, and final visual presentation.

  • AG Deussen (Visual Computing)
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Laufzeit: 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2027