  • AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Leifert, Svenja; Gerken, Jens; Schubert, Sören; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Does (Multi-)Touch Aid Users’ Spatial Memory and Navigation in ‘Panning’ and in ‘Zooming & Panning’ UIs? Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 83-90. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254575

Does (Multi-)Touch Aid Users’ Spatial Memory and Navigation in ‘Panning’ and in ‘Zooming & Panning’ UIs?


Recent findings from Embodied Cognition reveal strong effects of arm and hand movement on spatial memory. This suggests that input devices may have a far greater influence on users’ cognition and users’ ability to master a system than we typically believe – especially for spatial panning or zooming & panning user interfaces. We conducted two experiments to observe whether multi-touch instead of mouse input improves users’ spatial memory and navigation performance for such UIs. We observed increased performances for panning UIs but not for zooming & panning UIs. We present our results, provide initial explanations and discuss opportunities and pitfalls for interaction designers.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Zöllner, Michael; Gerken, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Design and Implementation of Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces with ZOIL International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2012, 28(11), pp. 737-747. ISSN 1044-7318. eISSN 1532-7590. Available under: doi: 10.1080/10447318.2012.715539

Design and Implementation of Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces with ZOIL


"Interactive spaces" are physical environments or rooms for collaborative work that are augmented with ubiquitous computing technology. Their purpose is to enable a computer-supported collaboration between multiple users that is based on a seamless use of different devices for natural "post-WIMP" interaction (e.g., multitouch walls, interactive tabletops, tablet PCs, or digital pen and paper). However, to this day, there are no well-established guidelines or toolkits for designing and implementing such distributed user interfaces (DUIs). Therefore, this article introduces the Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape (ZOIL), a novel design approach and software framework for post-WIMP DUIs in interactive spaces.

In the following, the ZOIL design principles are first introduced and illustrated. They provide recommendations and examples of DUI interaction design for interactive spaces. Then the different software patterns and architectures that have been employed for implementing the open-source ZOIL software framework are described. This framework facilitates the implementation of ZOIL's design principles in practice. Lessons learned from ZOIL's implementation are shared, and the implementation is discussed and compared with related work and approaches. The results of an evaluation of ZOIL with designers and developers conclude the article.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Seifried, Thomas; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Haller, Michael; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Lessons learned from the design and implementation of distributed post-WIMP user interfaces GALLUD, José A., ed., Ricardo TESORIERO, ed., Victor M.R. PENICHET, ed.. Distributed User Interfaces. London: Springer London, 2011, pp. 95-102. Human-Computer Interaction Series. ISBN 978-1-4471-2270-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2271-5_11

Lessons learned from the design and implementation of distributed post-WIMP user interfaces


Creating novel user interfaces that are “natural” and distributed is challenging for designers and developers. “Natural” interaction techniques are barely standardized and in combination with distributed UIs additional technical difficulties arise. In this paper we present the lessons we have learned in developing several natural and distributed user interfaces and propose design patterns to support development of such applications.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Zöllner, Michael; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald (2011): ZOIL : A design paradigm and software framework for post-WIMP distributed user interfaces GALLUD, José A., ed., Ricardo TESORIERO, ed., Victor M.R. PENICHET, ed.. Distributed User Interfaces. London: Springer London, 2011, pp. 87-94. Human-Computer Interaction Series. ISBN 978-1-4471-2270-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2271-5_10

ZOIL : A design paradigm and software framework for post-WIMP distributed user interfaces


We introduce ZOIL (Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape), a design paradigm and software framework for post-WIMP distributed, zoomable and object-oriented user interfaces. This paper presents ZOIL’s design principles, functionality and software patterns to share them with other researchers. Additionally, ZOIL’s implementation as a software framework for C# and WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is available as open source under the BSD License for scientific and commercial projects (see zoil.codeplex.com).

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Gerken, Jens; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Zöllner, Michael; Mader, Martin; Reiterer, Harald (2011): The concept maps method as a tool to evaluate the usability of APIs Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '11. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011, pp. 3373-3382. ISBN 978-1-4503-0228-9. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979445

The concept maps method as a tool to evaluate the usability of APIs


Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the interfaces to existing code structures, such as widgets, frameworks, or toolkits. Therefore, they very much do have an impact on the quality of the resulting system. So, ensuring that developers can make the most out of them is an important challenge. However standard usability evaluation methods as known from HCI have limitations in grasping the interaction between developer and API as most IDEs (essentially the GUI) capture only part of it. In this paper we present the Concept Map method to study the usability of an API over time. This allows us to elicit the mental model of a programmer when using an API and thereby identify usability issues and learning barriers and their development over time.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Elmqvist, Niklas; Vande Moere, Andrew; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Cernea, Daniel; Reiterer, Harald; Jankun-Kelly, TJ (2011): Fluid interaction for information visualization Information Visualization. 2011, 10(4), pp. 327-340. ISSN 1473-8716. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1473871611413180

Fluid interaction for information visualization


Despite typically receiving little emphasis in visualization research, interaction in visualization is the catalyst for the user's dialogue with the data, and, ultimately, the user's actual understanding and insight into these data. There are many possible reasons for this skewed balance between the visual and interactive aspects of a visualization. One reason is that interaction is an intangible concept that is difficult to design, quantify, and evaluate. Unlike for visual design, there are few examples that show visualization practitioners and researchers how to design the interaction for a new visualization in the best manner. In this article, we attempt to address this issue by collecting examples of visualizations with "best-in-class" interaction and using them to extract practical design guidelines for future designers and researchers. We call this concept fluid interaction, and we propose an operational definition in terms of the direct manipulation and embodied interaction paradigms, the psychological concept of "flow", and Norman's gulfs of execution and evaluation.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

Jetter, Hans-Christian; Zöllner, Michael; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Gestaltung und Programmierung von interaktiven Räumen mit dem ZOIL-Paradigma GROH, Rainer, ed.. Wieder mehr sehen! : aktuelle Einblicke in die technische Visualistik. Dresden: TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften Dresden, 2011, pp. 105-116. ISBN 978-3-942710-39-8

Gestaltung und Programmierung von interaktiven Räumen mit dem ZOIL-Paradigma



Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Gerken, Jens; Zöllner, Michael; Reiterer, Harald; Milic-Frayling, Natasa (2011): Materializing the query with facet-streams : A hybrid surface for collaborative search on tabletops Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '11. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011, pp. 3013-3022. ISBN 978-1-4503-0228-9. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979390

Materializing the query with facet-streams : A hybrid surface for collaborative search on tabletops


We introduce "Facet-Streams", a hybrid interactive surface for co-located collaborative product search on a tabletop. Facet-Streams combines techniques of information visualization with tangible and multi-touch interaction to materialize collaborative search on a tabletop. It harnesses the expressive power of facets and Boolean logic without exposing users to complex formal notations. Two user studies reveal how Facet-Streams unifies visual and tangible expressivity with implicity in interaction, supports different strategies and collaboration styles, and turns product search into a fun and social experience.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Gerken, Jens; Zöllner, Michael; Reiterer, Harald (2010): Model-based Design and Prototyping of Interactive Spaces for Information Interaction BERNHAUPT, Regina, ed., Peter FORBRIG, ed., Jan GULLIKSEN, ed., Marta LÁRUSDÓTTIR, ed.. Human-centred software engineering : Third International Conference, HCSE 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 14 - 15, 2010. Berlin: Springer, 2010, pp. 22-37. Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Programming and Software Engineering. 6409. ISBN 978-3-642-16487-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-16488-0_3

Model-based Design and Prototyping of Interactive Spaces for Information Interaction



Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

Jetter, Hans-Christian; Gerken, Jens; Zöllner, Michael; Reiterer, Harald (2010): Be-Greifbare Interaktion für die kollaborative Suche SCHROEDER, Ulrik, ed.. Interaktive Kulturen : Workshop-Band : Proceedings der Workshops der Mensch & Computer 2010 - 10. Fachübergreifende Konferenz für Interaktive und Kooperative Medien, DeLFI 2010 - die 8. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. und der Entertainment Interfaces 2010 ; Duisburg, 12. - 15. September 2010. Berlin: Logos, 2010, pp. 145-150. ISBN 978-3-8325-2578-1

Be-Greifbare Interaktion für die kollaborative Suche



Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Jetter, Hans-Christian; Gerken, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2010): Natural User Interfaces : Why We Need Better Model-Worlds, Not Better Gestures CHI 2010 Workshop - Natural User Interfaces : The Prospect and Challenge of Touch and Gestural Computing, Atlanta, USA, April 2010. 2010

Natural User Interfaces : Why We Need Better Model-Worlds, Not Better Gestures


We introduce our view of the relation between symbolic gestures and manipulations in multi-touch Natural User Interfaces (NUI). We identify manipulations not gestures as the key to truly natural interfaces. Therefore we suggest that future NUI research should be more focused on designing visual workspaces and model-world interfaces that are especially appropriate for multi-touch manipulations.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Jetter, Hans-Christian; König, Werner A.; Reiterer, Harald (2009): Understanding and Designing Surface Computing with ZOIL and Squidy CHI 2009 Workshop : Multitouch and Surface Computing, April 2009, Boston, USA. 2009

Understanding and Designing Surface Computing with ZOIL and Squidy


In this paper we provide a threefold contribution to the Surface Computing (SC) community. Firstly, we will discuss frameworks such as Reality-based Interaction which provide a deeper theoretical understanding of SC. Secondly, we will introduce our ZOIL user interface paradigm for SC on mobile, tabletop or wall-sized devices. Thirdly, we will describe our two software tools Squidy and ZOIL UI Framework which have supported and facilitated our iterative design of SC prototypes.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Gerken, Jens; Heilig, Mathias; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Rexhausen, Sebastian; Demarmels, Mischa; König, Werner A.; Reiterer, Harald (2009): Lessons learned from the design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems International journal on digital libraries. 2009, 10(2/3), pp. 49-66. ISSN 1432-5012. eISSN 1432-1300. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00799-009-0052-6

Lessons learned from the design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems


Designing information-seeking systems has become an increasingly complex task as today s information spaces are rapidly growing in quantity, heterogeneity, and dimensionality. The challenge is to provide user interfaces that have a satisfying usability and user experience even for novice users. Although information visualization and interaction design offer solutions, many informationseeking systems such as online catalogs for libraries or web search engines continue to use outdated user-interface concepts developed decades ago. In this paper, we will present four principles that we identified as crucial for the successful design of a modern visual information-seeking system.These are (1) to support variousways of formulating an information need, (2) to integrate analytical and browsing-oriented ways of exploration, (3) to provide views on different dimensions of the information space, and (4) to make search a pleasurable experience. These design principles are based on our experience over a long period in the user-centered design and evaluation of visual information-seeking systems. Accordingly, we will showcase individual designs from our own work of the past 10 years to illustrate each principle and hence narrow the gap between the scientific discussion and the designing practitioner that has often hindered research ideas from becoming reality. However, most of the times search is only one part of a higher level user activity (e.g. writing a paper). Thus future research should focus on the challenges when regarding search in such a broader context. We will use the final two chapters to point out some of these challenges and outline our vision of an integrated and consistent digital work environment named Zoomable Object-oriented Information Landscape.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Jetter, Hans-Christian; Engl, Andreas; Schubert, Sören; Reiterer, Harald (2008): Zooming not Zapping : Demonstrating the ZOIL User Interface Paradigm for ITV Applications EuroITV 2008, European Interactive TV Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 3 - 4, 2008. 2008

Zooming not Zapping : Demonstrating the ZOIL User Interface Paradigm for ITV Applications


This paper introduces the ZOIL (Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape) user interface paradigm, which is aimed at seamlessly integrating media services and content of all kinds into novel intuitive and natural visual user interfaces. In order to provide an intriguing user experience, ZOIL interfaces combine the principles of objectoriented and zoomable user interfaces with information visualization techniques. To demonstrate ZOIL s benefit for the ITV domain, we will provide visitors with an interactive firsthand experience of ZOIL s alternate interface physics, visual information exploration and usability.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Jetter, Hans-Christian; König, Werner A.; Gerken, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2008): ZOIL : A Cross-Platform User Interface Paradigm for Personal Information Management Personal Information Management 2008 (PIM 2008), CHI 2008 Workshop, April 5 - 6, 2008, Florence, Italy. 2008

ZOIL : A Cross-Platform User Interface Paradigm for Personal Information Management


In this paper we introduce the novel user interface paradigm ZOIL (Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape). ZOIL is aimed at unifying all types of local and remote information items with their connected functionality and with their mutual relations in a single visual workspace as a replacement of today s desktop metaphor. This workspace can serve as an integrated work environment for traditional personal information management (PIM), but can also be used for PIM tasks in a wider sense. By formulating ZOIL s fundamental design principles we describe the interaction style, visualization techniques and interface physics of a ZOIL user interface. Furthermore we discuss ZOIL s ability to provide nomadic PIM environments for mobile and stationary use.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

König, Werner A. (2007): Zoomable User Interfaces : Intuitive Navigation in komplexen Informationsräumen

Zoomable User Interfaces : Intuitive Navigation in komplexen Informationsräumen


Obwohl heutige Anwender mit einer stetig ansteigenden Quantität, Dimensionalität und Heterogenität der zugänglichen Informationen konfrontiert werden, beherrschen immer noch die Konzepte aus den 60/70-er Jahren die derzeitigen Benutzeroberflächen. Der Autor stellt ein alternatives Gesamtkonzept in Form eines neuen Zoomable User Interface Paradigmas namens ZOIL vor, welches hinsichtlich einer benutzergerechten Aufbereitung von komplexen Informationsräumen das Konzept von Zoomable User Interfaces mit den direkt-manipulativen Konzepten von objektorientierten Benutzeroberflächen und der räumlichen Datenorganisation mithilfe einer beliebig skalierbaren Informationslandschaft und semantischem Zooming vereint. Das ZOIL Paradigma spezifiziert hierbei keine konkrete Benutzeroberfläche, sondern soll als eine in sich konsistente Kombination aus Visualisierungs- und Interaktionstechniken verstanden werden, welche als flexibles Grundkonzept für vielfältigste Anwendungsdomänen dienen kann. Die konzeptionelle und technische Machbarkeit wird anhand einer prototypischen Umsetzung für die Anwendungsdomäne Dokumentenmanagement überprüft. Zur Hinführung an die Thematik werden verwandte Konzepte, physiologische und psychologische Aspekte der menschlichen Wahrnehmung, grundlegende Navigationskonzepte sowie potentielle Eingabegeräte betrachtet.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

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