Blended Interaction Design

  • AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald; Benyon, David; Dachselt, Raimund; Quigley, Aaron; Haller, Michael (2013): Blended Interaction : Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on - CHI EA '13. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2013, pp. 3271-3274. ISBN 978-1-4503-1952-2. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2468356.2479664

Blended Interaction : Envisioning Future Collaborative Interactive Spaces


Blended Interaction is interaction in physical environments including meeting rooms, design studios, or libraries, that are augmented with new UI technologies to blend the power of digital computing with natural work practices and collaboration styles. It combines the virtues of physical and digital artifacts so that desired properties of each are preserved and computing is integrated in a considered manner. Since rapid technological advances constantly challenge existing designs, we believe that HCI should move beyond creating new technologies, single applications, and novel interaction techniques towards an overarching unified vision and theory of Blended Interaction. Our workshop will bring together leading experts in cognitive theories and post-WIMP designs and technologies to create this unified view of Blended Interaction in a multidisciplinary approach.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Reiterer, Harald; Geyer, Florian; Höchtl, Anita (2012): A Comparison of Spatial Grouping Techniques on Interactive Surfaces REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien : interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2012, pp. 73-82. ISBN 978-3-486-71879-9. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486718782.73

A Comparison of Spatial Grouping Techniques on Interactive Surfaces


In this paper we report a comparative study investigating two interaction techniques for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. We compared a container technique with a proximity technique. The container concept was considered due to its familiarity with desktop systems, while the proximity technique is a novel organic concept based on spatial proximity. Our goal was to identify the characteristics of both techniques in regard to grouping and regrouping performance, grouping strategies as well as bimanual and multi-finger input. Our results indicate that the traditional container concept may not be an adequate fit for harnessing the benefits of interactive surfaces. Rather, our study shows that more informal spatial techniques based on proximity open up a promising design space for further investigations

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Höchtl, Anita; Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Spatial Grouping on Interactive Surfaces : Bin & Blub REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien ; interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 469-471. ISBN 978-3-486-71990-1. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486719918

Spatial Grouping on Interactive Surfaces : Bin & Blub


This demo presents two interaction techniques for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. It allows participants of the conference to experience and compare the container technique “Bin“ and the proximity technique “Blub“. While the container concept is similar to the folder concept on desktop systems, the proximity technique is a novel organic concept based on spatial proximity. Within an associated paper submitted to the main conference track, we studied the characteristics of both techniques in regard to grouping and regrouping performance, grouping strategies and use of multi-finger input. Our study showed that more informal spatial techniques based on proximity are able to harness more benefits of direct-touch multi-finger and bimanual interaction. In our demo, participants will be able to compete in grouping items with both techniques.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Budzinski, Jochen; Reiterer, Harald (2012): IdeaVis : a hybrid workspace and interactive visualization for paper-based collaborative sketching sessions Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Making Sense Through Design - NordiCHI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 331-340. ISBN 978-1-4503-1482-4. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2399016.2399069

IdeaVis : a hybrid workspace and interactive visualization for paper-based collaborative sketching sessions


In this paper we describe IdeaVis, a novel approach for supporting co-located sketching sessions. Our system is based on digital pen & paper for augmenting the traditional paper-based workflows of sketching sessions. An additional focus & context visualization is used to support creative facilitators in exploring and examining the design activity, thereby increasing awareness over inhibitors that may impede the success of such sessions. The general applicability of our approach was confirmed in a user study with creative professionals. We conclude that live design activity visualizations can provide benefits for controlling typical inhibitors of creative group work without the need to change traditional workflows.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Geyer, Florian; Budzinski, Jochen; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Using Interactive Design Activity Visualizations for Supporting Collaborative Sketching Sessions

Using Interactive Design Activity Visualizations for Supporting Collaborative Sketching Sessions


In this paper we describe a novel approach for supporting co-located collaborative sketching sessions. Our system is based on digital pen & paper and an interactive visualization that can be used by a session facilitator for examining live design activity. We argue that such visualizations may provide benefits for improving creative group work without the need to change traditional practices.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Toward Mixed-Media Design Studios interactions. 2012, 19(2), pp. 54-59. ISSN 1072-5520. eISSN 1558-3449. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2090150.2090164

Toward Mixed-Media Design Studios



Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Jetter, Hans-Christian; Geyer, Florian; Schwarz, Tobias; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Blended Interaction : Toward a Framework for the Design of Interactive Spaces AVI 2012 : International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. 2012

Blended Interaction : Toward a Framework for the Design of Interactive Spaces


In this paper, we propose Blended Interaction as a conceptual framework for the design of interactive spaces. We argue that for realizing a natural computer-supported collaboration in smart environments or interactive spaces, designers must achieve a holistic understanding and design of the users’ individual interactions, social interactions, workflows and their physical environment. To thoughtfully blend the power of the digital world with the users’ pre-existing skills and practices, we propose and explain conceptual blending as a potential design methodology. We illustrate our framework by discussing related theoretical and conceptual work and by explaining the design decisions we made in recent projects. In particular, we highlight how Blended Interaction introduces a new and more accurate description of users’ cognition and interaction in interactive spaces that can serve as a tool for HCI researchers and interaction designers.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Höchtl, Anita; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Harnessing the Benefits of Bimanual and Multi-finger Input for Supporting Grouping Tasks on Interactive Tabletops Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Making Sense Through Design - NordiCHI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 496-499. ISBN 978-1-4503-1482-4. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2399016.2399091

Harnessing the Benefits of Bimanual and Multi-finger Input for Supporting Grouping Tasks on Interactive Tabletops


In this paper we describe an experimental study investigating the use of bimanual and multi-finger input for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. In a singleuser setup, we compared two typical interaction techniques supporting this task. We studied the grouping and regrouping performance in general and the use of bimanual and multi-finger input in particular. Our results show that the traditional container concept may not be an adequate fit for interactive tabletops. Rather, we demonstrate that informal and organic spatial metaphors are able to harness more benefits of multi-finger and bimanual interaction. We conclude with recommendations for the design of grouping techniques on interactive surfaces.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Reiterer, Harald; Geyer, Florian (2012): Experiences from Employing Evernote as a Tool for Documenting Collaborative Design Processes DIS12 Workshop Supporting reflection in and on design processes. 2012

Experiences from Employing Evernote as a Tool for Documenting Collaborative Design Processes


In this paper we report from a case study investigating the use of digital tools for documenting collaborative design processes. We employed the note-taking system Evernote in interaction design projects with six teams of students over a period of four months. By observing the use and appropriation of the tool and by questioning participants we strived toward understanding collaborative ocumentation and communication activities in more detail. Our experiences show that the core unctionality of such tools seems adequate for most documentation tasks, but improvements seem necessary regarding support for more informal information management, visualization as well as communication and collaboration.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Pfeil, Ulrike; Höchtl, Anita; Budzinski, Jochen; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Designing reality-based interfaces for creative group work Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition - C&C '11. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011, pp. 165-174. ISBN 978-1-4503-0820-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2069618.2069647

Designing reality-based interfaces for creative group work


Using affinity diagramming as an example, we investigate reality-based interfaces for supporting creative group work. Based on an observational study grounded in the reality-based interaction framework, we identified power vs. reality tradeoffs that can be addressed to find a close fit to embodied practice. Using this knowledge, we designed and implemented a digital workspace for supporting affinity diagramming. Its hybrid interaction techniques combine digital pen & paper with an interactive table and tangible tokens. An additional vertical display is used to support reflection-in-action and for enhancing discussion and coordination. A preliminary user study confirmed the applicability of our tradeoffs and the general acceptance of the tool design.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Pfeil, Ulrike; Budzinski, Jochen; Höchtl, Anita; Reiterer, Harald (2011): AffinityTable : a hybrid surface for supporting affinity diagramming CAMPOS, Pedro, ed., Nicholas GRAHAM, ed., Joaquim JORGE, ed., Nuno NUNES, ed., Philippe PALANQUE, ed., Marco WINCKLER, ed.. Human-Computer Interaction : INTERACT 2011 : Proceedings Part III. Berlin: Springer, 2011, pp. 477-484. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6948. ISBN 978-3-642-23764-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23765-2_33

AffinityTable : a hybrid surface for supporting affinity diagramming


Using affinity diagramming as an example, we investigate interaction techniques for supporting collaborative design activities. Based on an observational study, we identified design guidelines that need to be addressed to find a close fit to embodied practice. Using this knowledge, we designed and implemented AffinityTable, a hybrid surface for supporting affinity diagramming. The tool combines digital pen & paper with an interactive table and tangible tokens. An additional vertical display is used to support reflection and group coordination.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Designing hybrid user interfaces with powers vs. reality tradeoffs EIBL, Maximilian, ed. and others. Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011 : überMEDIEN / ÜBERmorgen. Chemnitz: Univ.-Verl. Chemnitz, 2011, pp. 43-45. ISBN 978-3-941003-38-5

Designing hybrid user interfaces with powers vs. reality tradeoffs


In this paper we would like to discuss the process of designing hybrid user interfaces with explicit power vs. reality tradeoff decisions. We further propose to ground these tradeoffs in a firm understanding of embodied practice. To support this, we describe a design study which was grounded in explicit tradeoff decisions derived from an observational study.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Pfeil, Ulrike; Höchtl, Anita; Budzinski, Jochen; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Ein hybrider Ansatz zur Unterstützung kollaborativer Designtechniken EIBL, Maximilian, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2011 : 11. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. überMEDIEN/ÜBERmorgen. München: Oldenbourg, 2011, pp. 231-240. ISBN 978-3-486-71235-3

Ein hybrider Ansatz zur Unterstützung kollaborativer Designtechniken


Dieser Artikel stellt einen hybriden Ansatz zur Unterstützung kollaborativer Designtechniken vor. Die anhand der Designtechnik Affinity Diagramming beschriebenen Interaktionskonzepte werden aus einer Literaturrecherche und einer empirischen Studie abgeleitet. Diese Analyse zeigt, dass die Nutzung von Papierartefakten insbesondere in divergenten Phasen von Vorteil ist. Des Weiteren wird aufgezeigt, welche Auswirkung häufige Wechsel zwischen Arbeitsflächen in konvergenten Phasen haben können. Die auf Basis dieser Erkenntnisse entwickelten Interaktionskonzepte kombinieren Papierartefakte mit interaktiven Displays zur Unterstützung kreativer Arbeitsabläufe.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Reiterer, Harald (2011): Human-computer interaction group : University of Konstanz, Germany interactions. 2011, 18(6), pp. 82-85. ISSN 1072-5520. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2029976.2029997

Human-computer interaction group : University of Konstanz, Germany



Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2011): Applying Embodied Cognition Theory to the Design of Collaborative Design Tools C&C '11 : 8th ACM conference on creativity and cognition. 2011

Applying Embodied Cognition Theory to the Design of Collaborative Design Tools


In this paper we describe our approach for designing collaborative design tools based on embodiment theory. We present the motivation and rationale behind our work as well an exemplary design study. We argue that when designing for embodiment, it is not only crucial to have a firm understanding of embodied practice but also for the consequences that are introduced with specific decisions between preserving or giving up embodied practice when designing digital tools.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2010): A Cross-Device Spatial Workspace Supporting Artifact-Mediated Collaboration in Interaction Design Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '10. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010, pp. 3787-3792. ISBN 978-1-60558-930-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1753846.1754057

A Cross-Device Spatial Workspace Supporting Artifact-Mediated Collaboration in Interaction Design


In this paper we present our approach to support artifact-mediated collaboration in interaction design. We argue that the extensive number and the diversity of artifacts created and reflected upon during collaborative design activities as well as transitions between physical and digital representations impose both a challenge and opportunity for supporting interaction design practice. The design principles for our experimental tool that we introduce within this paper are based on a cross-device spatial workspace synchronized by a shared design artifact repository within a computation-augmented design studio setting.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2010): A Cross-Device Spatial Workspace for Artifact-mediated Collaboration 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '10. 2010

A Cross-Device Spatial Workspace for Artifact-mediated Collaboration


In this paper we argue that the extensive number of artifacts created during design processes as well as transitions between physical and digital tools impose both a challenge and opportunity for artifact-mediated collaboration techniques. We present our approach which is based on a cross-device spatial workspace within a computation-augmented design studio setting.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Klinkhammer, Daniel; Reiterer, Harald (2010): Supporting Creativity Workshops with Interactive Tabletops and Digital Pen and Paper ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS '10. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010, pp. 261-262. ISBN 978-1-4503-0399-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1936652.1936706

Supporting Creativity Workshops with Interactive Tabletops and Digital Pen and Paper


In this paper we report our findings from an exploratory design study using a combination of an interactive tabletop and digital pen & paper technology during a full-day creativity workshop with creative professionals. We describe the applied creativity technique, the system design and the employed interaction techniques. The preliminary results of our study show that this combination of interaction modalities introduces a rich design space for creativity support systems and informal design tools.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Pfeil, Ulrike; Reiterer, Harald (2010): Collaborative Sketching with Distributed Displays and Multimodal Interfaces ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS '10. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010, pp. 259-260. ISBN 978-1-4503-0399-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1936652.1936705

Collaborative Sketching with Distributed Displays and Multimodal Interfaces


In this paper we describe a system design for supporting creative group activities using distributed displays and multimodal interaction. We describe the rationale behind our approach and proposed interaction techniques for supporting collaborative sketching. Our goal is to understand how the interface metaphor, display space and interaction modalities may influence exploration and communication in collaborative settings.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

    Geyer, Florian (2009): Blended Interaction Design : A Spatial Workspace Supporting HCI and Design Practice GROSS, Tom, ed., Jan GULLIKSEN, ed., Paula KOTZÉ, ed., Lars OESTREICHER, ed., Philippe PALANQUE, ed., Raquel Oliveira PRATES, ed., Marco WINCKLER, ed.. Human-Computer Interaction : INTERACT 2009 : Proceedings, Part II. Berlin: Springer, 2009, pp. 844-847. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 5727. ISBN 978-3-642-03657-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-03658-3_92

Blended Interaction Design : A Spatial Workspace Supporting HCI and Design Practice


This research investigates novel methods and techniques along with tool support that result from a conceptual blend of human-computer interaction with design practice. Using blending theory with material anchors as a theoretical framework, we frame both input spaces and explore emerging structures within technical, cognitive, and social aspects. Based on our results, we will describe a framework of the emerging structures and will design and evaluate tool support within a spatial, studio-like workspace to support collaborative creativity in interaction design.

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

Geyer, Florian; Memmel, Thomas; Reiterer, Harald (2009): Interactive user interface specifications : supporting collaboration and creativity with simulation-driven modelling tools IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. 2009, 7(2), pp. 63-79. ISSN 1645-7641

Interactive user interface specifications : supporting collaboration and creativity with simulation-driven modelling tools


dc.title: Memmel, Thomas

Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

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Laufzeit: 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100