Interdisciplinary Center for Interactive Data Analysis, Modeling and Visual Exploration
INCIDE will be a center that develops and provides algorithms and methods for the analysis and exploration of highly complex scientific data repositories. Such data are produced by new imaging and data acquisition technology in the natural and life sciences and many other research areas. Methodically the center will develop and improve efficient methods for (semi) automated data analysis and data mining, numerical simulation, parameter estimation and statistical inference for visual and interactive data exploration as well as providing technology for efficient data bases and the required scalable scientific computing environment. Institutionally, INCIDE3 is intended to function as a link between the Graduate School Chemical Biology (Excellence Initiative, KORS-CB), the Departments of Computer and Information Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics as well as the DFG Research Training Group 1042 “Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces” (DFG-RTG) which works on related problems. Additionally, INCIDE3 will cooperate with the Bio Imaging Center (BIC) for those tasks that include imaging data. By bringing together experts for data management and analysis from Mathematics and Computer Science with groups that produce vast amounts of complex data, we expect highly synergistic research collaborations, beneficial for all parties. Usually such interdisciplinary research projects lack infrastructural support to be successful. INCIDE will provide this crucial infrastructure by hosting at least two experts at the PostDoc level, supporting a number of INCIDE master students for project work and by funds reserved for the dedicated support of specific projects to generate and provide data that are of key interest for the application projects as well as for developing new and sophisticated methods of data analysis.
- AG Deussen (Visual Computing)
Laufzeit: | 19.06.2009 – 31.12.2012 |