Design and Evaluation of Multi Modal Knowledge Work Environments


Project website at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK:

Project website at University of Konstanz:

DeskPiles is a prototype developed as part of the MSR research in distributed information management and collaborative work within a multi-device environment. The DeskPiles prototype enables collaborative arrangement and annotation of digital resources by creating a multi-user and multi-device interactive space. For collocated collaboration, we integrated MS Surface, wall displays, desktop PCs, and tablet PCs.

DeskPiles is a result of the collaborative effort between the Integrated Systems team at Microsoft Research Cambridge, HCI Group at the University of Konstanz, and NanoPhotonics Centre at the University of Cambridge, UK. It was initiated in 2009 through the MSR External Research project 'Beneath the Surface'. It builds on the user research conducted at the NanoPhotonics Centre and the ZOIL framework developed at University of Konstanz. The DeskPiles prototype was developed to support research into existing practices and co-design of new concepts that facilitate knowledge consolidation and sharing in collaborative scenarios.

  • AG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
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Laufzeit: 01.06.2009 – 31.12.2010