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  • Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald; Geyer, Florian (2013): Blended Interaction : understanding natural human-computer interaction in post-WIMP interactive spaces Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2013, 18(5), pp. 1139-1158. ISSN 1617-4909. eISSN 1617-4917. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00779-013-0725-4

    Blended Interaction : understanding natural human-computer interaction in post-WIMP interactive spaces


    We introduce Blended Interaction, a new conceptual framework that helps to explain when users perceive user interfaces as “natural” or not. Based on recent findings from embodied cognition and cognitive linguistics, Blended Interaction provides a novel and more accurate description of the nature of human–computer interaction (HCI). In particular, it introduces the notion of conceptual blends to explain how users rely on familiar and real-world concepts whenever they learn to use new digital technologies. We apply Blended Interaction in the context of post-“Windows Icons Menu Pointer” interactive spaces. These spaces are ubiquitous computing environments for computer-supported collaboration of multiple users in a physical space or room, e.g., meeting rooms, design studios, or libraries, augmented with novel interactive technologies and digital computation, e.g., multi-touch walls, tabletops, and tablets. Ideally, in these spaces, the virtues of the familiar physical and social world are combined with that of the digital realm in a considered manner so that desired properties of each are preserved and a seemingly “natural” HCI is achieved. To support designers in this goal, we explain how the users’ conceptual systems use blends to tie together familiar concepts with the novel powers of digital computation. Furthermore, we introduce four domains of design to structure the underlying problem and design space: individual and social interaction, workflow, and physical environment. We introduce our framework by discussing related work, e.g., metaphors, mental models, direct manipulation, image schemas, reality-based interaction, and illustrate Blended Interaction using design decisions we made in recent projects.

  • Klinkhammer, Daniel; Reiterer, Harald; Dachselt, Raimund (2013): Themenschwerpunkt Interaktive Oberflächen in Forschung und Praxis [Editorial] i-com: Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien. 2013, 12(3), pp. 1-2. ISSN 1618-162X. eISSN 2196-6826. Available under: doi: 10.1515/icom.2013.0018

    Themenschwerpunkt Interaktive Oberflächen in Forschung und Praxis [Editorial]


    dc.title: Dachselt, Raimund

  • Schwarz, Tobias; Butscher, Simon; Müller, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2013): Blended Interaction Automatisierungstechnik : AT. 2013, 61(11), pp. 749-759. ISSN 0178-2312. eISSN 2196-677X. Available under: doi: 10.1515/auto.2013.1050

    Blended Interaction


    In diesem Beitrag wird Blended Interaction als neuartiger Ansatz zur ganzheitlichen Gestaltung von Arbeitsumgebungen für Operateure in Leitwarten vorgestellt. Hintergrund ist die Herausforderung einer stetig ansteigenden Komplexität der Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle. Leitbild bei der Konzeptentwicklung sind die Prinzipien der realitätsbasierten Interaktion, die sowohl den Operateur mit seinen natürlichen Fähigkeiten, als auch den situativen Kontext der Arbeitsumgebung hervorheben. Darüber hinaus werden Ergebnisse einer Evaluation mit Anwendern aus Verkehrsleitzentralen vorgestellt, in welcher ein möglicher Paradigmenwechsel hin zu neuen Interaktionsformen untersucht wird.

  • Schwarz, Tobias; Butscher, Simon; Müller, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Ein Multi-Focus-View Konzept im Kontext der Verkehrsleitzentrale REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012: 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2012, pp. 43-52. ISBN 978-3-486-71879-9. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486718782.43

    Projekt : Holistic Workspace

    Ein Multi-Focus-View Konzept im Kontext der Verkehrsleitzentrale


    Im Beitrag wird ein ganzheitliches Visualisierungs- und Interaktionskonzept für die Überwachung und Diagnose eines großen Straßennetzes sowie die Manipulation von Prozessvariablen im Kontext einer Verkehrsleitzentrale vorgestellt. Um das kooperative Arbeiten zu unterstützen wird das Konzept einer Multi-Focus-View in Kombination mit einer inhaltssensitiven Navigation verfolgt. Ziel ist es, die Navigation im Straßennetz, die Verfügbarkeit kontextsensitiver Informationen sowie die Manipulation von Prozessvariablen in Verkehrsleitzentralen zu verbessern. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse einer Evaluation mit Anwendern aus Verkehrsleitzentralen vorgestellt, in der insbesondere die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Konzepte auf das Arbeiten in einer Mehrbenutzerumgebung untersucht wurden.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Reiterer, Harald; Geyer, Florian; Höchtl, Anita (2012): A Comparison of Spatial Grouping Techniques on Interactive Surfaces REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien : interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2012, pp. 73-82. ISBN 978-3-486-71879-9. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486718782.73

    Projekt : Blended Interaction Design

    A Comparison of Spatial Grouping Techniques on Interactive Surfaces


    In this paper we report a comparative study investigating two interaction techniques for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. We compared a container technique with a proximity technique. The container concept was considered due to its familiarity with desktop systems, while the proximity technique is a novel organic concept based on spatial proximity. Our goal was to identify the characteristics of both techniques in regard to grouping and regrouping performance, grouping strategies as well as bimanual and multi-finger input. Our results indicate that the traditional container concept may not be an adequate fit for harnessing the benefits of interactive surfaces. Rather, our study shows that more informal spatial techniques based on proximity open up a promising design space for further investigations

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Navigation Concepts for ZUIs Using Proxemic Interactions


    Proxemics in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) offer new prospects for the design of explicit and implicit interaction techniques to support multiple users and a concurrent navigation for zoomable user interfaces (ZUI). In this paper we describe a navigation concept for zooming and panning based on a multi-display environment using proxemic relations as input (e.g. a user’s location and orientation in physical space to manipulate a viewport). We hope to foster awareness of the topic and to inspire further discussion and research on proxemics in HCI.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Höchtl, Anita; Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Spatial Grouping on Interactive Surfaces : Bin & Blub REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien ; interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 469-471. ISBN 978-3-486-71990-1. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486719918

    Projekt : Blended Interaction Design

    Spatial Grouping on Interactive Surfaces : Bin & Blub


    This demo presents two interaction techniques for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. It allows participants of the conference to experience and compare the container technique “Bin“ and the proximity technique “Blub“. While the container concept is similar to the folder concept on desktop systems, the proximity technique is a novel organic concept based on spatial proximity. Within an associated paper submitted to the main conference track, we studied the characteristics of both techniques in regard to grouping and regrouping performance, grouping strategies and use of multi-finger input. Our study showed that more informal spatial techniques based on proximity are able to harness more benefits of direct-touch multi-finger and bimanual interaction. In our demo, participants will be able to compete in grouping items with both techniques.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Schwarz, Tobias; Müller, Jens; Butscher, Simon; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Holistic Workspace : Neue Interaktionsformen für die Leitwarte der Zukunft Mensch - Maschine - Interaktion. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, 2012, pp. 183-196. VDI-Berichte. 2179. ISBN 978-3-18-092179-2

    Holistic Workspace : Neue Interaktionsformen für die Leitwarte der Zukunft



  • Jetter, Hans-Christian; Leifert, Svenja; Gerken, Jens; Schubert, Sören; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Does (Multi-)Touch Aid Users’ Spatial Memory and Navigation in ‘Panning’ and in ‘Zooming & Panning’ UIs? Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 83-90. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254575

    Does (Multi-)Touch Aid Users’ Spatial Memory and Navigation in ‘Panning’ and in ‘Zooming & Panning’ UIs?


    Recent findings from Embodied Cognition reveal strong effects of arm and hand movement on spatial memory. This suggests that input devices may have a far greater influence on users’ cognition and users’ ability to master a system than we typically believe – especially for spatial panning or zooming & panning user interfaces. We conducted two experiments to observe whether multi-touch instead of mouse input improves users’ spatial memory and navigation performance for such UIs. We observed increased performances for panning UIs but not for zooming & panning UIs. We present our results, provide initial explanations and discuss opportunities and pitfalls for interaction designers.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Geyer, Florian; Budzinski, Jochen; Reiterer, Harald (2012): IdeaVis : a hybrid workspace and interactive visualization for paper-based collaborative sketching sessions Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Making Sense Through Design - NordiCHI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 331-340. ISBN 978-1-4503-1482-4. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2399016.2399069

    Projekt : Blended Interaction Design

    IdeaVis : a hybrid workspace and interactive visualization for paper-based collaborative sketching sessions


    In this paper we describe IdeaVis, a novel approach for supporting co-located sketching sessions. Our system is based on digital pen & paper for augmenting the traditional paper-based workflows of sketching sessions. An additional focus & context visualization is used to support creative facilitators in exploring and examining the design activity, thereby increasing awareness over inhibitors that may impede the success of such sessions. The general applicability of our approach was confirmed in a user study with creative professionals. We conclude that live design activity visualizations can provide benefits for controlling typical inhibitors of creative group work without the need to change traditional workflows.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Schwarz, Tobias; Butscher, Simon; Müller, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Content-aware navigation for large displays in context of traffic control rooms Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 249-252. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254601

    Projekt : Holistic Workspace

    Content-aware navigation for large displays in context of traffic control rooms


    Context-sensitive information is of vital importance to the Monitoring of processes in control rooms, but its incorporation in current state-of-the-art user interfaces is inadequate. By looking at a traffic control center as an example, this paper proposes an interaction concept for monitoring complex networks on large remote displays. Our approach is based on content-aware navigation with the goal to improve the navigation of the road network and the availability of context-sensitive information. We conducted a study comparing different navigation techniques as well as two techniques for visualizing context-sensitive information.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Rädle, Roman; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): TwisterSearch : Supporting Social Search with Tabletop and Mobile Displays REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 - Workshopband : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien ; interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 509-512. ISBN 978-3-486-71990-1

    Projekt : Blended Library - Bibliothek der Zukunft

    TwisterSearch : Supporting Social Search with Tabletop and Mobile Displays


    This demo presents TwisterSearch, a system for co-located and collaborative Web search that was designed in accordance with the canonical model of social search by Evans and Chi (2009). In a first phase before search, participants frame the context of the intended search and thereafter gather initial information requirements on a tabletop. These requirements are then refined through discussion and yield the foundation for the search task itself, which is performed in parallel on multiple mobile displays. These private devices are used to search the Web for evidence files and to populate the visual workspace of the tabletop with them. Moreover, the personal device allows both a highly parallel search as well as a tightly-coupled collaborative search, to enable seamless switching between collective and solitary search activities. In our TwisterSearch demo, participants can have a firsthand experience of these different individual phases of social search.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Schwarz, Tobias; Hennecke, Fabian; Lauber, Felix; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Perspective + Detail : a visualization technique for vertically curved displays Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 485-488. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254648

    Projekt : Holistic Workspace

    Perspective + Detail : a visualization technique for vertically curved displays


    This paper describes the perspective+detail visualization concept, which extends the conventional overview+detail pattern by adding a perspective viewing area and a further, text-based area containing partial details. Known problems of such extensions are mitigated using a vertically curved display. Our concept aims to bridge both the geographical and the content gap between the two main display areas and to provide an improved overview. An experimental case study based on a typical traffic control room operator task provided first insights on our visualization. These initial findings revealed that perspective+detail assists users in fulfilling their tasks and keeping their orientation in the information space.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Realitätsbasierte Formen der Interaktion für die Manipulation von Prozessvariablen im Leitwartenkontext


    Leitwarten sind Einrichtungen zur zentralen Überwachung und Steuerungkomplexer Prozesse wie beispielsweise in Kraftwerken oder Produktionsanlagen.Eine wesentliche Aufgabe der dort arbeitenden Operatorenbesteht in der Manipulation von Prozessvariablen, welche denphysikalischen Zustand des überwachten Prozesses darstellen. In derheutigen Leitwarte findet diese Manipulation über Desktop Systemestatt. Durch die Interaktion mit Tastatur, Maus und Monitoren ist dieWahrnehmung des Operators bezüglich des Prozesszustandes auf dievisuelle Aufnahme beschränkt. Der Operator wird daher nicht ausreichendin seinen natürlichen Fähigkeiten unterstützt. Die vorliegende Thesis beschreibt Konzepte zur realitätsbasierten Manipulation von Prozessvariablen, welche sich die Fähigkeiten und Vorkenntnisse desMenschen zunutze machen. Im Rahmen eines Usability Tests wurden die Konzepte mit den aktuellen Eingabeformen hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkungsweisen verglichen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Manipulation von Prozessvariablen unter den traditionellen Bedingungen schneller erfolgte, während sich die Teilnehmer unter der realitätsbasierten Manipulation besser an die von ihnen vollzogenen Handlungsschritte im Taskszenario erinnern konnten.

  • Reiterer, Harald; Deussen, Oliver (2012): Vorwort [zu: Interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!? : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien] REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!? : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. XV-XVII. ISBN 978-3-486-71879-9

    Vorwort [zu: Interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!? : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien]



  • Jetter, Hans-Christian; Zöllner, Michael; Gerken, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Design and Implementation of Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces with ZOIL International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2012, 28(11), pp. 737-747. ISSN 1044-7318. eISSN 1532-7590. Available under: doi: 10.1080/10447318.2012.715539

    Design and Implementation of Post-WIMP Distributed User Interfaces with ZOIL


    "Interactive spaces" are physical environments or rooms for collaborative work that are augmented with ubiquitous computing technology. Their purpose is to enable a computer-supported collaboration between multiple users that is based on a seamless use of different devices for natural "post-WIMP" interaction (e.g., multitouch walls, interactive tabletops, tablet PCs, or digital pen and paper). However, to this day, there are no well-established guidelines or toolkits for designing and implementing such distributed user interfaces (DUIs). Therefore, this article introduces the Zoomable Object-Oriented Information Landscape (ZOIL), a novel design approach and software framework for post-WIMP DUIs in interactive spaces.

    In the following, the ZOIL design principles are first introduced and illustrated. They provide recommendations and examples of DUI interaction design for interactive spaces. Then the different software patterns and architectures that have been employed for implementing the open-source ZOIL software framework are described. This framework facilitates the implementation of ZOIL's design principles in practice. Lessons learned from ZOIL's implementation are shared, and the implementation is discussed and compared with related work and approaches. The results of an evaluation of ZOIL with designers and developers conclude the article.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Rädle, Roman; Weiler, Andreas; Huber, Stephan; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Mansmann, Svetlana; Reiterer, Harald; Scholl, Marc H. (2012): eBook meets tabletop : using collaborative visualization for search and serendipity in online book repositories Proceedings of the fifth ACM workshop on Research advances in large digital book repositories and complementary media - BooksOnline '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 3-6. ISBN 978-1-4503-1714-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2390116.2390120

    Projekt : Blended Library - Bibliothek der Zukunft

    eBook meets tabletop : using collaborative visualization for search and serendipity in online book repositories


    The ever-growing amount of digitized books and electronically published documents necessitates proper tools to search and explore such large digital information spaces. This paper presents the design of an interactive prototype for collaborative visual information seeking (VIS) in an on-line book repository. The main objectives of the prototype are a visual metaphor to query an on-line book repository and the facilitation of back-and-forth comparison of search results. Furthermore, an integrated cosine similarity search encourages for serendipitous discoveries while browsing through an information space.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Experiences from Employing Evernote as a Tool for Documenting Collaborative Design Processes


    In this paper we report from a case study investigating the use of digital tools for documenting collaborative design processes. We employed the note-taking system Evernote in interaction design projects with six teams of students over a period of four months. By observing the use and appropriation of the tool and by questioning participants we strived toward understanding collaborative ocumentation and communication activities in more detail. Our experiences show that the core unctionality of such tools seems adequate for most documentation tasks, but improvements seem necessary regarding support for more informal information management, visualization as well as communication and collaboration.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Kleiner, Eike; Schäfer, Benjamin (2012): Augmented Shelf : Digital Enrichment of Library Shelves REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 Workshopband : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien : interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 541-544. ISBN 978-3-486-71990-1. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486719918

    Projekt : Blended Library - Bibliothek der Zukunft

    Augmented Shelf : Digital Enrichment of Library Shelves


    Libraries are well known as work places and thus have a common way of everyday use. Unfortunately, there is a gap between the physical and digital contents of a library and its media. By expanding the physical, tangible media with digital information, many new possibilities for interaction would open up for users. With the help of a prototype, we want to show how it is possible to shrink this gap with the use of blends and augmented reality. The Augmented Shelf allows for an overlay of digital information and additional functionality over a certain inventory in real time depending on the position of the user in a three dimensional space. The users are able to highlight physical artifacts, leave virtual commentaries and search for related media.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Geyer, Florian; Höchtl, Anita; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Harnessing the Benefits of Bimanual and Multi-finger Input for Supporting Grouping Tasks on Interactive Tabletops Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Making Sense Through Design - NordiCHI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 496-499. ISBN 978-1-4503-1482-4. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2399016.2399091

    Projekt : Blended Interaction Design

    Harnessing the Benefits of Bimanual and Multi-finger Input for Supporting Grouping Tasks on Interactive Tabletops


    In this paper we describe an experimental study investigating the use of bimanual and multi-finger input for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. In a singleuser setup, we compared two typical interaction techniques supporting this task. We studied the grouping and regrouping performance in general and the use of bimanual and multi-finger input in particular. Our results show that the traditional container concept may not be an adequate fit for interactive tabletops. Rather, we demonstrate that informal and organic spatial metaphors are able to harness more benefits of multi-finger and bimanual interaction. We conclude with recommendations for the design of grouping techniques on interactive surfaces.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Müller, Jens; Schwarz, Tobias; Butscher, Simon; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Exploring former interaction qualities for tomorrow’s control room design REITERER, Harald, ed., Oliver DEUSSEN, ed.. Mensch & Computer 2012 : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien ; interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend! ?. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 377-380. ISBN 978-3-486-71879-9

    Projekt : Holistic Workspace

    Exploring former interaction qualities for tomorrow’s control room design


    This paper addresses the lack of interaction qualities in control rooms by investigating the potential use of Hybrid Surfaces. As an emerging trend with strong real-world references, they offer the combination of both, the qualities of physical interaction and the potentials of the digital world. To determine their applicability in the given context we applied the theoretical framework ‘Reality-Based Interaction’ in line with an expert focus group. As the primal finding tangible forms have aroused great interest as they embody the feature to express ongoing processes states and allow multimodal interaction.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Jetter, Hans-Christian; Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald; Dachselt, Raimund; Fischer, Gerhard; Groh, Rainer; Haller, Michael; Herrmann, Thomas (2012): Designing Collaborative Interactive Spaces Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 818-820. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254729

    Projekt : permaedia

    Designing Collaborative Interactive Spaces


    Interactive spaces are ubiquitous computing environments for computer-supported collaboration that exploit and enhance the existing cognitive, physical and social skills of users or groups of users. The workshop aims at documenting and advancing the current state-of-the-art of co-located collaboration in interactive spaces and identifying research challenges and formulating a research agenda by inviting high-quality position and research papers from HCI, Information Visualization, CSCW and CSCL.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!? : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien



  • Blended Interaction : Toward a Framework for the Design of Interactive Spaces


    In this paper, we propose Blended Interaction as a conceptual framework for the design of interactive spaces. We argue that for realizing a natural computer-supported collaboration in smart environments or interactive spaces, designers must achieve a holistic understanding and design of the users’ individual interactions, social interactions, workflows and their physical environment. To thoughtfully blend the power of the digital world with the users’ pre-existing skills and practices, we propose and explain conceptual blending as a potential design methodology. We illustrate our framework by discussing related theoretical and conceptual work and by explaining the design decisions we made in recent projects. In particular, we highlight how Blended Interaction introduces a new and more accurate description of users’ cognition and interaction in interactive spaces that can serve as a tool for HCI researchers and interaction designers.

  • Mensch & Computer 2012 : Workshopband ; 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien ; interaktiv informiert - allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?



  • Rädle, Roman; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): TwisterSearch : a distributed user interface for collaborative Web search TESORIERO, Ricardo, ed. and others. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Distributed User Interfaces : Collaboration and Usability (In conjunction with CHI 2012 Conference) ; Austin, Texas, USA, May 5th 2012. University of Castilla-La Mancha, ISE Research Group, 2012, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-84-695-3318-5

    Projekt : Blended Library - Bibliothek der Zukunft

    TwisterSearch : a distributed user interface for collaborative Web search


    Although Web search is typically regarded as a solitary activity, collaborative search approaches are becoming an increasingly relevant topic for HCI and distributed user interfaces (DUIs). Today’s collaborative search systems lack comprehensive search support that also involves pre- or post-search activities such as preparation or sensemaking. We believe that post-WIMP DUIs can help to better support social search and have identified four design goals that are critical for their successful design. In consequence, we present TwisterSearch, an interactive DUI prototype that meets our four design goals.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, Harald (2012): Toward Mixed-Media Design Studios interactions. 2012, 19(2), pp. 54-59. ISSN 1072-5520. eISSN 1558-3449. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2090150.2090164

    Projekt : Blended Interaction Design

    Toward Mixed-Media Design Studios



    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Using Interactive Design Activity Visualizations for Supporting Collaborative Sketching Sessions


    In this paper we describe a novel approach for supporting co-located collaborative sketching sessions. Our system is based on digital pen & paper and an interactive visualization that can be used by a session facilitator for examining live design activity. We argue that such visualizations may provide benefits for improving creative group work without the need to change traditional practices.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Klinkhammer, Daniel; Nitsche, Markus; Reiterer, Harald (2012): A Design Space for User Tracking around Tabletops NordiCHI'12 : 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2012

    A Design Space for User Tracking around Tabletops


    In this paper, we address the problem of designing for participation and parallel interaction with a large-scaled tabletop system. Beginning with a short description of our tabletop-integrated multi-user tracking system we introduce Dynamic Personal Spaces (DPS), which are virtual representations of a user’s workspace on a table. Furthermore we provide a number of applications that can be implemented based on the tracking system and DPSs. This collection shall serve as a starting point for people implementing applications that are based on the DPS approach.

  • Mensch & Computer 2012 : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien



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