How neural synchronization forms long-term memories in humans


Memories are stored within the synaptic connections between neural assemblies. These connections are being formed by synchronous firing, which is mediated by brain oscillations that can be recorded non-invasively in humans by means of MEG/EEG. Brain oscillations should thus be a key mechanism for the encoding of long-term memories. However, at the moment little is known about how these mechanisms work in the human brain. Therefore the goal of the proposed research plan is to investigate the role of neural synchronization for the formation of long-term memories in a series of experiments. Derived from cognitive theories of long-term memory, those experiments are aimed at dissociating synchronous memory networks at the time memories are being formed. Moreover it will be investigated, how the reactivation of those very same networks supports memory retrieval. By means of electrophysiological recordings (MEG/EEG) and functional brain imaging, the dynamics of oscillatory brain networks will be elucidated comprehensively. On the basis of these empirical data, a neuro-cognitive memory model will be developed, which incorporates the observed brain oscillatory dynamics. Moreover, neuroplasticity studies will be conducted to show how those networks are shaped by intense training. These may be valuable for the development of neurocognitive therapeutic interventions for memory disorders (e.g. dementia).

  • Department of Psychology
    Hanslmayr, Simon; Volberg, Gregor; Wimber, Maria; Oehler, Nora; Staudigl, Tobias; Hartmann, Thomas; Raabe, Markus; Greenlee, Mark; Bäuml, Karl-Heinz (2012): Prefrontally Driven Downregulation of Neural Synchrony Mediates Goal-Directed Forgetting Journal of Neuroscience. 2012, 32(42), pp. 14742-14751. ISSN 0270-6474. eISSN 1529-2401. Available under: doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1777-12.2012

Prefrontally Driven Downregulation of Neural Synchrony Mediates Goal-Directed Forgetting


Neural synchronization between distant cell assemblies is crucial for the formation of new memories. To date, however, it remains unclear whether higher-order brain regions can adaptively regulate neural synchrony to control memory processing in humans. We explored this question in two experiments using a voluntary forgetting task. In the first experiment, we simultaneously recorded electroencephalography along with fMRI. The results show that a reduction in neural synchrony goes hand-in-hand with a BOLD signal increase in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) when participants are cued to forget previously studied information. In the
second experiment, we directly stimulated the left dlPFC with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation during the same task, and show that such stimulation specifically boosts the behavioral forgetting effect and induces a reduction in neural synchrony. These results suggest that prefrontally driven downregulation of long-range neural synchronization mediates goal-directed forgetting of long-term memories.

Origin (projects)

    Wimber, Maria; Mars, Anne; Staudigl, Tobias; Richardson-Klavehn, Alan; Hanslmayr, Simon (2012): Rapid memory reactivation revealed by oscillatory entrainment. Current Biology. 2012, 22(16), pp. 1482-1486. ISSN 0960-9822. eISSN 1879-0445. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.05.054

Rapid memory reactivation revealed by oscillatory entrainment.


Episodic memory refers to humans' unique ability to mentally reconstruct past events. Neurocomputational models predict that remembering entails the reinstatement of brain activity that was present when an event was initially experienced [ [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]], a claim that has recently gained support from functional imaging work in humans [ [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13] and [14]]. The nature of this reactivation, however, is still unclear. Cognitive models claim that retrieval is set off by an early reactivation of stored memory representations (“ecphory”) [ [15], [16] and [17]]. However, reinstatement as found in imaging studies might also reflect postretrieval processes that operate on the products of retrieval and are thus a consequence rather than a precondition of remembering. Here, we used frequency entrainment as a novel method of tagging memories in the human electroencephalogram (EEG). Participants studied words presented on flickering backgrounds, entraining a steady-state brain response at either 6 or 10 Hz. We found that these frequency signatures rapidly reemerged during a later memory test when participants successfully recognized a word. An additional behavioral experiment suggested that this reactivation occurs in the absence of conscious memory for the frequencies entrained during study. The findings provide empirical evidence for the role of rapid, likely unconscious memory reactivation during retrieval.

Origin (projects)

    Hanslmayr, Simon; Volberg, Gregor; Wimber, Maria; Raabe, Markus; Greenlee, Mark W.; Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2011): The relationship between brain oscillations and BOLD signal during memory formation : a combined EEG-fMRI study Journal of Neuroscience. 2011, 31(44), pp. 15674-15680. ISSN 0270-6474. eISSN 1529-2401. Available under: doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3140-11.2011

The relationship between brain oscillations and BOLD signal during memory formation : a combined EEG-fMRI study


Previous studies demonstrated that increases in the theta frequency band with concomitant decreases in the alpha/beta frequency band indicate successful memory formation. However, little is known about the brain regions and the cognitive processes that underlie these encoding-related oscillatory memory effects. We investigated this relationship using simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings in humans during long-term memory encoding. In line with prior studies, we demonstrate that a decrease in beta power and an increase in theta power positively predict subsequent recall. In fMRI, stronger activity in the left inferior prefrontal cortex and the right parahippocampal gyrus correlated with successful memory formation. EEG source localization revealed that the subsequent memory effect in the beta band was localized in the left inferior prefrontal cortex, whereas the effect in the theta band was localized in medial temporal lobe regions. Trial-by-trial correlations between EEG and BOLD activity showed that beta power correlated negatively with left inferior prefrontal cortex activity. This correlation was more pronounced for items that could later be successfully recalled compared to items later forgotten. Based on these findings, we suggest that beta oscillations in the left inferior prefrontal cortex indicate semantic encoding processes, whereas theta oscillations in the medial temporal lobe reflect the binding of an item to its spatio-temporal context.

Origin (projects)

Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Emmy-Noether-Programm third-party funds research funding program 597/10
Further information
Period: 01.09.2010 – 31.08.2015