Reduced Basis Methods for Model Rduction and Sensitivity Analysis of Complex Partial Differential Equations with Applications to Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  Volkwein, Stefan; Wesche, Andrea (2012): The reduced basis method applied to transport equations of a lithium-ion battery

The reduced basis method applied to transport equations of a lithium-ion battery


In this paper we consider a coupled system of nonlinear parametrized partial differential equations (PPDEs), which model the concentrations and the potentials in lithium-ion batteries. The goal is to develop an efficient reduced basis approach for the fast and robust numerical solution of the PPDE system. Numerical examples illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.

Origin (projects)

Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Sonstige third-party funds research funding program 610/11
Further information
Period: 01.02.2011 – 01.02.2014