MOSIPS - Modeling an Simulation of the Impact of Public Policies on SMEs


The aim of the project is to develop a user-friendly policy simulation system allowing forecasting and visualizing the socio-economic potential impact of public policies. This will allow policy makers to make experiments with different socio-economic designs, with the participation of citizens and potentially impacted stakeholders, before a public policy is settled. It will also allow the different stakeholders to participate into the process and better understand different scenarios possible and their side effects. Focus will be set on SME-oriented policies in order to manage the scope of R&D activities. They have been selected given the importance of SMEs in EU Economy, and the R&D potential given by the nature of policies and impacts addressing this collective. Combining suitable data, models, artificial intelligence and interactive visualization tools, the final goal is to develop a “policy wind tunnel”. MOSIPS system will be suited to craft policy options, giving social and economic stakeholders a decision arena visualizing and illustrating policy insights, providing valuable decision-support, as it will make counter-intuitive feedback, cascading and side effects understandable. MOSIPS will be able to significantly improve the quality of policies implemented by public authorities at any administrative level, and at the same time, facilitate access to meaningful information to citizens about the expected consequences of policies designed for the region/locality/country/area they live at, promoting their engagement and active participation in the policy-making and implementation process. Concrete S&T objectives are related to the consecution of this project aim, mainly dealing with the areas of modelling, multi-agent based intelligent and dynamic simulation, visual technologies for data analysis and real-time interaction with simulation engines, citizens’ empowerment, software certification and the paradigm of Software as a Service and related ICT areas.

  • WG Keim (Data Analysis and Visualization)
    Zhang, Leishi; Stoffel, Andreas; Behrisch, Michael; Mittelstädt, Sebastian; Schreck, Tobias; Pompl, René; Weber, Stefan Hagen; Last, Holger; Keim, Daniel A. (2012): Visual Analytics for the Big Data Era - A Comparative Review of State-of-the-Art Commercial Systems 2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). IEEE, 2012, pp. 173-182. ISBN 978-1-4673-4752-5. Available under: doi: 10.1109/VAST.2012.6400554

Visual Analytics for the Big Data Era - A Comparative Review of State-of-the-Art Commercial Systems


Visual analytics (VA) system development started in academic research institutions where novel visualization techniques and open source toolkits were developed. Simultaneously, small software companies, sometimes spin-offs from academic research institutions, built solutions for specific application domains. In recent years we observed the following trend: some small VA companies grew exponentially; at the same time some big software vendors such as IBM and SAP started to acquire successful VA companies and integrated the acquired VA components into their existing frameworks. Generally the application domains of VA systems have broadened substantially. This phenomenon is driven by the generation of more and more data of high volume and complexity, which leads to an increasing demand for VA solutions from many application domains. In this paper we survey a selection of state-of-the-art commercial VA frameworks, complementary to an existing survey on open source VA tools. From the survey results we identify several improvement opportunities as future research directions.

Origin (projects)

Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Europäische Union third-party funds research funding program 774/11
Further information
Period: 01.09.2011 – 28.02.2015