Partielle Differentialgleichungen

  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  Khusainov, Denys Ya.; Pokojovy, Michael (2014): Solving the Linear 1D Thermoelasticity Equations with Pure Delay

Solving the Linear 1D Thermoelasticity Equations with Pure Delay


We propose a system of partial differential equations with a single constant delay $\tau > 0$ describing the behavior of a one-dimensional thermoelastic solid occupying a bounded interval of $\mathbb{R}^1$. For an initial-boundary value problem associated with this system, we prove a global well-posedness result in a certain topology under appropriate regularity conditions on the data. Further, we show the solution of our delayed model to converge to the solution of the classical equations of thermoelasticity as $\tau \to 0$. Finally, we deduce an explicit solution representation for the delay problem.

Origin (projects)

    Khusainov, Denys; Pokojovy, Michael; Azizbayov, Elvin (2014): On the Cauchy Problem for a Linear Harmonic Oscillator with Pure Delay

On the Cauchy Problem for a Linear Harmonic Oscillator with Pure Delay


In the present paper, we consider a Cauchy problem for a linear second order in time abstract differential equation with pure delay. In the absence of delay, this problem, known as the harmonic oscillator, has a two-dimensional eigenspace so that the solution of the homogeneous problem can be written as a linear combination of these two eigenfunctions. As opposed to that, in the presence even of a small delay, the spectrum is infinite and a finite sum representation is not possible. Using a special function referred to as the delay exponential function, we give an explicit solution representation for the Cauchy problem associated with the linear oscillator with pure delay. Finally, the solution asymptotics as the delay parameter goes to zero is studied. In contrast to earlier works, no positivity conditions are imposed.

Origin (projects)

Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Exzellenzinitiative third-party funds research funding program 841/13
Further information
Period: 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2014