Variation and morphophonological change in West Germanic


This project focuses on synchronic and diachronic aspects of West Germanic (morpho)phonological structures with particular reference to the quantity contrast in Upper German dialects. The objective is to relate both the phonology of quantity - as reflected in morphophonological alternations - and its phonetic manifestations - as reflected in phonetic cues - with the intonational system. We intend to pursue this objective with respect to (a) the historical morphophonological development from Old Alemannic (early 11th century) onwards, and (b) phonetic and intonational analyses detailing the role of FØ in the morphophonological system as a whole.

  • Department of Linguistics
Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
SFB third-party funds research funding program 56956106
Further information
Period: 02.12.2005 – 31.12.2006