The Topology of Knowledge


Current epistemologists are divided in two camps: There are the internalists who hold that all elements relevant for the justification of knowledge are within the subjects ken and the externalists who claim that some of those elements do depend on factors external to the subject.The project aims at a new topology in epistemology. The projects origin is an explication of knowledge as guaranteed true belief and above all its structural foundation, the so-called U-conception of justification, which is based on the inner duality of beliefs. This approach combines important elements of both internalism and externalism. It has a significant heuristic value and could prove to have a far-reaching influence on the present discussion in epistemology.&

  • Freitag, Wolfgang - Project leader
  • Leerhoff, Holger - Academic staff
  • Zukunftskolleg
Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg third-party funds research funding program 835/08
Further information
Period: 16.01.2008 – 31.10.2012