CONSENSUS: Confronting social and environmental sustainability with economic pressure: balancing Trade-offs by Policy Dismantling?
- Knill, Christoph - Project leader
- Department of Politics and Public Administration
(2012): Public Policy : A New Introduction | ||
(2011): Measuring environmental policy change : conceptual alternatives and research implications |
The study of policy change has been receiving increasing scholarly attention. Despite the growing number of empirical studies on policy change, the definition and measurement of the concept has made limited progress. In comparative environmental policy research, for instance, most existing large n studies rely on impact data such as pollutant emissions to approximate processes of policy change, often without discussing the conceptual implications of this measurement approach. Against this background, this article proposes a new measurement concept for empirically assessing environmental policy change, which conceives of policy change in terms of changes in policy outputs. We illustrate our measurement concept on the basis of an original dataset covering the evolution of clean air policies in 24 advanced democracies over a period of almost three decades (1976-2003). In a second step, we evaluate the relationship between our measurement of environmental policy change and standard emission data representing the most widely used proxy in the literature. Our findings suggest that clean air policies cannot be consistently associated with emission levels, therefore calling into question the viability of environmental impact data for the study of the determinants of policy change. Origin (projects) |
(2010): Politikwandel und seine Messung in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung : konzeptionelle Probleme und mögliche Alternativen Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2010, 51(3), pp. 409-432. ISSN 0032-3470. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-010-0022-z |
Politikwandel kommt in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Dennoch versäumen es zahlreiche empirische Arbeiten, das Konzept klar zu definieren und zu operationalisieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund zieht diese Abhandlung eine kritische Bilanz des Forschungsstandes zu Politikwandel in den Bereichen Umwelt- und Sozialpolitik. Wir stellen fest, dass Untersuchungen häufig Näherungswerte für die Messung von Politikwandel verwenden, obwohl diese einem präzisen Verständnis von Staatstätigkeit widersprechen. Des Weiteren findet weder die Komplexität politischer Entscheidungen noch die Möglichkeit, Politikwandel ebenfalls als Politikabbau aufzufassen, genügend Aufmerksamkeit in der empirischen Staatstätigkeitsforschung. Zumeist ist der empirische Fokus vieler Studien sehr eng und verhindert somit robuste Aussagen über Kausalbeziehungen. Als Antwort auf diese Defizite unterbreiten wir ein neues Konzept zur Messung von Politikwandel und diskutieren dessen Vor- und Nachteile gegenüber den bisherigen Ansätzen sowie die Konsequenzen für den Forschungsprozess. Origin (projects) |
(2009): Neglected faces of Europeanization : the differential impact of the EU on the dismantling and expansion of domestic Policies Public Administration. 2009, 87(3), pp. 519-537. ISSN 0033-3298. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2009.01768.x |
The objective of this article is to clarify the extent and the conditions under which the European Union (EU) induces changes in the policy arrangements of its member states. For an accurate measurement of our dependent variable, we distinguish between EU-induced policy expansion and EU-induced policy dismantling. We argue that the extent to which European requirements lead to an expansion or dismantling of national policy arrangements is crucially affected by the respective governance logic underlying the regulatory activities at the European level, that is: (1) compliance with EU rules; (2) competition between national administrative systems to achieve EU requirements; and (3) communication between regulatory agents across national levels arranged in an EU legal or institutional framework. To illustrate our theoretical argument, we develop hypotheses on the likelihood and direction of national policy change under these three modes of governance, in addition, providing empirical examples from different policy areas. Origin (projects) |
(2009): Economy and sustainability : how economic integration stimulates stringent environmental regulations Sustainability. 2009, 1(4), pp. 1305-1322. ISSN 2071-1050. Available under: doi: 10.3390/su1041305 |
The interaction between economic integration and environmental policy has become an important issue in the last few years. Despite the considerable scholarly attention this topic attracted, actual government responses in terms of environmental policy outputs remain largely untouched by both theoretical and empirical work. To fill this gap, we suggest a theory-based disaggregation of the compound variable economic integration for deriving more precise expectations on its differential impact on environmental policy arrangements. In doing so, we show that economic integration may indeed trigger the promulgation of more demanding environmental regulations. To illustrate our arguments empirically, we analyze the development of Turkish clean air policy between 1975 and 2005. Origin (projects) |
Name | Finanzierungstyp | Kategorie | Project no. |
Europäische Union | third-party funds | research funding program | 33960008 |
Period: | 01.03.2008 – 28.02.2011 |