MedioVis 2.0


The MedioVis 2.0 project aims at providing natural user interfaces for information seeking and exploration in multimedia libraries.pSuch knowledge work is increasingly demanding because of the growing size, heterogeneity, and dimensionality of today’s information spaces. Furthermore knowledge work is ill-defined and involves individual and creative workflows that involve multifaceted characteristics like diverse activities, locations, environments and social contexts.pAlthough it is important to find solutions to specific aspects of knowledge work, e.g., information seeking, information management, media warehouses, our design approach tries to support the entire workflow with a holistic Knowledge Media Workbench that is showcased in the context of digital libraries.pFurther information: MedioVis 2.0 project is an extension of the preceding DFG project MedioVis 1.0:

  • WG Reiterer (Human-Computer Interaction)
Reiterer, Harald; Heilig, Mathias; Rexhausen, Sebastian; Demarmels, Mischa (2010): Idee der Blended Library : Neue Formen der Wissensvermittlung durch Vermischung der realen und digitalen Welt HOHOFF, Ulrich, ed., Christiane SCHMIEDEKNECHT, ed.. Ein neuer Blick auf Bibliotheken - 98. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Erfurt 2009. Hildesheim [u.a.]: Olms, 2010, pp. 108-116. ISBN 978-3-487-14334-7

Idee der Blended Library : Neue Formen der Wissensvermittlung durch Vermischung der realen und digitalen Welt



Origin (projects)

  Heilig, Mathias; Demarmels, Mischa; Rexhausen, Sebastian; Huber, Stephan; Runge, Oliver (2009): Search, Explore and Navigate : Designing a Next Generation Knowledge Media Workbench WOUTERS, Ivo, ed. and others. Proceedings of flirting with the future : prototyped visions by the next generation ; SIDeR '09 ; fifth Student Interaction Design Research Conference 15 - 17 April 2009 Eindhoven University of Technology. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit, 2009, pp. 40-43

Search, Explore and Navigate : Designing a Next Generation Knowledge Media Workbench


Information work is a demanding activity caused by the increasing complexity of today s information spaces. Besides, information workers are acting correspondingly to their creative workflow, which involves multifaceted characteristics like diverse activities, locations and environments. Although it is important to find solutions to specific aspects of information work (information-seeking, information-management, media-warehousing, etc.) our design approach MedioVis 2.0 tries to support the entire workflow in one coalescing Knowledge Media Workbench, showcased in the context of digital libraries. To achieve this goal, we apply the concept of zoomable user interfaces, different visualization techniques and investigate additional considerations to provide a satisfying user experience.

Origin (projects)

    Gerken, Jens; Demarmels, Mischa; Dierdorf, Stefan; Reiterer, Harald (2008): HyperScatter : Modellierungs- und Zoomtechniken für Punktdiagramme HERCZEG, Michael, ed. and others. Mensch & Computer 2008 : Viel mehr Interaktion, 8. Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2008, pp. 117-126. ISBN 978-3-486-58900-9. Available under: doi: 10.1524/9783486598650.117

HyperScatter : Modellierungs- und Zoomtechniken für Punktdiagramme


Der Einsatz von Werkzeugen aus dem Bereich der Informationsvisualisierung im privaten Alltag, beispielsweise beim Stöbern in digitalen Bibliotheken wie einer Filmdatenbank, stellt Entwickler vor neue Herausforderungen bezüglich des Interaktionsdesigns muss dieses doch den deutlich höheren Anforderungen der zumeist unerfahrenen Nutzer hinsichtlich der Gebrauchstauglichkeit genügen. Ein möglicher Lösungsansatz könnte hierbei in dem kombinierten Einsatz möglichst einfacher Werkzeuge, die auf einem einheitlichen Interaktionsdesign basieren, liegen. Dieser Beitrag führt die Arbeit aus (Reiterer et al. 2005) fort und zeigt am Beispiel eines Punktdiagramms, dem HyperScatter auf, wie die dort vorgestellte Modellierung des Informationsraums in Kombination mit Zoomtechniken auf andere Werkzeuge übertragbar ist und hierdurch das Ziel eines einheitlichen Interaktionsdesigns erreicht wird. Weiterhin wurde der HyperScatter in einer neuartigen zweiwöchigen Längsschnitt-Evaluationsstudie auf seine Gebrauchstauglichkeit hin überprüft sowie auf seine Fähigkeit, als alleinstehendes Werkzeug den Benutzer in seiner Informationssuche zu unterstützen.

Origin (projects)

    Heilig, Mathias; Demarmels, Mischa; König, Werner A.; Gerken, Jens; Rexhausen, Sebastian; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Reiterer, Harald (2008): MedioVis : Visual Information Seeking in Digital Libraries Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces - AVI '08. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008, pp. 490-491. ISBN 978-1-60558-141-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/1385569.1385671

MedioVis : Visual Information Seeking in Digital Libraries


MedioVis is a visual information seeking system that aims to support users natural seeking behavior, particularly in complex information spaces. To achieve this goal we introduce multiple complementary visualization techniques together with an easy-touse and consistent interaction concept. Over the last four years, MedioVis was developed in the context of digital libraries following a user-centered design process. The focus of this paper is the presentation of our interaction model and further to give an overview of the applied visualization techniques.

Origin (projects)

  Rexhausen, Sebastian; Demarmels, Mischa; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Heilig, Mathias; Gerken, Jens; Reiterer, Harald (2007): Blockbuster : a visual explorer for motion picture data InfoVis 2007 (Summary of contest entry for InfoVis Contest 2007), Sacramento, CA, 2007. 2007

Blockbuster : a visual explorer for motion picture data


In this paper we introduce our visual explorer "Blockbuster" as a contribution to the InfoVis Contest 2007. The system's development followed a user-centered design process and a design rationale considering not only the pragmatic qualities of the system, but also hedonic qualities like aesthetics or "joy-of-use". Apart from briefly outlining the employed visualization techniques, we will focus on Blockbuster's interaction design, which is aimed at facilitating the selection, combination and mutual filtering of visualizations under a consistent interaction paradigm. Blockbuster thereby demonstrates the potential of information visualization for end-user-centered applications that blur the boundaries of information visualization, visual information seeking and browsing.

Origin (projects)

  Reiterer, Harald; Jetter, Hans-Christian; König, Werner A.; Gerken, Jens; Grün, Christian (2005): Zoomtechniken zur Exploration komplexer Informationsräume am Beispiel "HyperGrid" STARY, Christian, ed.. Mensch und Computer 2005 : Kunst und Wissenschaft - Grenzüberschreitung der interaktiven ART, 2005. München: Oldenbourg, 2005, pp. 143-153. ISBN 978-3-486-57805-8

Zoomtechniken zur Exploration komplexer Informationsräume am Beispiel "HyperGrid"


Die Quantität, Dimensionalität und Multimedialität heutiger Informationsräume stellt bei der Exploration und Navigation große Anforderungen an die Gestaltung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion. Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) bieten dabei neue Möglichkeiten für eine benutzergerechtere Herangehensweise. Neben einem mathematischen Konzept zur Modellierung der Benutzersicht auf komplexe Informationsräume, soll hier am Beispiel des HyperGrids ein leicht-erlernbares Interaktionskonzept mit semantischem Zoom vorgestellt werden. Dieses erlaubt die Präsentation umfangreicher Informationsräume mit Attributen verschiedenster Datentypen und Modalitäten in variablen Detailgraden. Dabei kann das HyperGrid eine analytische Sichtweise auf den Informationsraum durch eine filter- und sortierbare Tabellenstruktur mit einer interessengeleiteten, browsing-orientierten Vorgehensweise funktional und visuell kombinieren.

Origin (projects)

  Grün, Christian; Gerken, Jens; Jetter, Hans-Christian; König, Werner A.; Reiterer, Harald (2005): MedioVis : a user-centred library metadata browser Research and advanced technology for digital libraries ; 9th European Conference, ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 18 - 23, 2005. 2005, pp. 174-185

MedioVis : a user-centred library metadata browser


MedioVis is a visual information seeking system which was designed especially for library data. The objective target was to create a system which simplifies and optimizes the user s information seeking process and thus further motivates the user to browse in the library stock. To enhance the motivation special attention was given to consider joy of use aspects during the design of the user interface. The primary user interface design is based on multiple coordinated views to offer a great variety of exploration possibilities in a directmanipulative manner. To accomplish a self-explanatory usability of the system for non-expert users, the development was accompanied by continuous user tests with casual and regular library users. At the end of the development process a comprehensive summative evaluation was conducted, comparing efficiency and joy of use of the existing web-based catalogue system KOALA of the library of the University of Konstanz with the MedioVis system. The results of this comparative evaluation show a significant improvement of the efficiency of the information seeking process with the help of MedioVis. The users also rated MedioVis significantly better in all dimensions of its hedonic quality and appeal compared with KOALA.

Origin (projects)

    Jetter, Hans-Christian; Gerken, Jens; König, Werner A.; Grün, Christian; Reiterer, Harald (2005): HyperGrid : accessing complex information spaces MCEWAN, Tom, ed. and others. People and computers XIX : the bigger picture : proceedings of HCI 2005. London: Springer, 2005, pp. 349-364. ISBN 978-1-84628-192-1. Available under: doi: 10.1007/1-84628-249-7_22

HyperGrid : accessing complex information spaces


In this paper, we describe a new interaction and visualization concept for non-expert users to easily access complex heterogeneous information spaces. The HyperGrid combines well-known table visualizations with zoomable user interface concepts to provide a two-dimensional grid as an access tool to multi-dimensional and relational data. It allows the presentation of attributes of multiple data types, various modalities and various levels of detail in a compact and consistent visual structure. Our concept is illustrated by a use-case based on our experiences and evaluations from preceding projects in the field of visual information seeking systems.

Origin (projects)

Funding sources
Name Finanzierungstyp Kategorie Project no.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft third-party funds research funding program 12978808
Further information
Period: 25.06.2008 – 24.12.2010