372 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Physics"

Title Institution Start date End date
Magnetic interactions at the graphene /ferromagnet interface studied by means of STM/STS FB Physik
01.12.2009 31.12.2010
Femtosecond quantum optics with semiconductor-metal hybrid nanostructures AG Leitenstorfer (Experimentalphysik mit SP Ultrakurzzeitphysik und Quantenoptik)
01.11.2009 30.04.2013
Spin-dependent interface effects in magnetic nanostructures FB Physik
AG Belzig (Theoretische Physik mit SP Quantentransport)
01.10.2009 30.06.2013
Heterogeneous Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Colloidal Model Systems studied by confocal microscopy (DFG SPP 1296) FB Physik
01.10.2009 31.05.2012
Development of advanced rear side structures for solar cells for passivation of industrially processed silicon solar cells using innovative and cost-efficient technologies AG Hahn (Photovoltaik)
01.09.2009 31.08.2012
Force-Driven Micro- and Macro Rheology FB Physik
01.07.2009 30.06.2013
Faserlaser für CARS-Mikroskopie AG Leitenstorfer (Experimentalphysik mit SP Ultrakurzzeitphysik und Quantenoptik)
01.07.2009 30.06.2012
Holographischer Tweezer FB Physik
24.06.2009 31.12.2010
Anderson localization of light and random lasing FB Physik
01.06.2009 31.08.2012
Quantum Dots Spins in High-Q Optical Resonators: Spin Meets Cavity QED FB Physik
22.05.2009 21.05.2011