527 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Entwicklung und Validierung eines non-invasiven, verhaltsbasierten Diagnostiktools zur Ermittlung der Bienenfitness FB Biologie
01.04.2011 31.10.2014
Growth limitations, phenotypic plasticity and micro-evolution in a long-lived alpine shrub FB Biologie
01.03.2011 31.08.2014
Nogo in fishes: Function and evolution of RTN-4/-6 Nogo domains and their influence on axon regeneration FB Biologie
01.03.2011 28.02.2014
Analyzing DNA Damage Repair and Gene Expression of DNA Repair Factors during Circadian Rhythm FB Biologie
22.02.2011 31.10.2012
Regulation of the Golgi by cellular signalling FB Biologie
01.02.2011 31.01.2014
Anerobic phosphite oxidation - genetic and enzymatic studies FB Biologie
13.01.2011 31.08.2015
Properties of solitary wave trains at internal fronts in Lake Constance FB Mathematik und Statistik
FB Biologie
01.01.2011 30.06.2012
Projektstudie: "Neozoen - Grüner Damm bei Hard" FB Biologie
04.11.2010 03.07.2012
he function of immunoproteasomes in cytokine production and autoimmune diseases FB Biologie
01.11.2010 25.08.2014
Structural studies of the NOD module of the transcriptional activator MalT FB Biologie
15.10.2010 14.10.2013