551 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Parallel evolution and ecological specialization in craterlake cichlid fishes FB Biologie
01.06.2010 31.03.2012
Functional diversity of UBL-UBA proteins in ubiquitin dependent proteolysis FB Biologie
01.06.2010 31.12.2011
Genomische Grundlagen der Biodiversität FB Biologie
01.06.2010 31.12.2011
Sterolanalytik Limnologisches Institut
01.06.2010 31.12.2011
The genetic and neuronal basis of odor-guided social behaviorin leafcutting ants FB Biologie
01.05.2010 30.04.2013
A proteomic, reverse-genetic and sequencing approach to reveal genes and enzymes for LAS-surfactant degradation in bacterial communities FB Biologie
01.05.2010 08.08.2011
SP Mechanisms of Genome Haploidization -Regulatory Mechanisms of Meiosis in Vertibrate Oocytes FB Biologie
01.04.2010 30.11.2013
Effects of nanomolar heavy metal concentrations on water plants-comparison of biochemical & biophysical mechanisms of defiency FB Biologie
01.04.2010 31.03.2012
TP 5 Light regulation of carbon fixation in diatoms FB Biologie
01.02.2010 31.01.2013
SafeSciMET FB Biologie
01.01.2010 30.09.2016