527 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Integrative analysis of multiple pathways in the honeybee olfactory system FB Biologie
01.11.2009 31.08.2013
Biochemie der syntrophen Oxidation von Fettsäuren und Alkoholen FB Biologie
01.11.2009 31.10.2012
Function and regulation of the human kinesin Kif18A FB Biologie
01.11.2009 31.10.2012
Koordinierungsarbeiten "Integrative analysis of olfaction" FB Biologie
01.10.2009 31.08.2013
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of prion function FB Biologie
01.09.2009 30.06.2013
Organismic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems under Changing Conditions TP C1 FB Biologie
01.09.2009 31.12.2012
Organismic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems under Changing Conditions, Teilprojekt B1 FB Biologie
01.09.2009 31.10.2012
Organismic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems under Changing Conditions TP A FB Biologie
01.09.2009 31.10.2012
Organismic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems under Changing Conditions TP C2 FB Biologie
01.09.2009 31.10.2012
Organismic Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems under Changing Conditions TP D FB Biologie
01.09.2009 31.10.2012