551 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Molecular components and dynamics FB Biologie
29.05.2008 28.05.2009
Structural and functional charachterization of ß-barrel FB Biologie
15.05.2008 31.01.2013
NEDD8: Mechanisms of conjugation and identification of binding partners FB Biologie
15.05.2008 14.05.2011
Conjugation Cascade and substrates of AT 10 FB Biologie
14.05.2008 31.08.2012
Effekte der Landnutzung auf Kohlenstoffvorräte im Gradienten Cerrado-Pantanal FB Biologie
01.05.2008 31.12.2010
Interplay between energy, mineral and biochemical constraints of herbivores in the pelagic food web FB Biologie
14.04.2008 13.10.2009
The function of UBEIL2 FB Biologie
11.04.2008 30.04.2013
Structure and function of muropeptide-ABC transporters FB Biologie
11.04.2008 10.04.2011
MARK-AGE: European study to establish biomarkers of human ageing FB Biologie
01.04.2008 30.09.2013
Genomics-Proteomics Resource Center FB Biologie
01.04.2008 31.12.2012