551 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Characterization and Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in East African Haplochromine Cichlid Fishes FB Biologie
26.07.2005 15.09.2008
BodenseeOnline - Modellierung von Biologie, Chemie und Sedimentation FB Biologie
25.07.2005 24.07.2007
Struktur/Wirkungsbeziehungen von Immunstimuli aus bakteriellen Mastitis-Erregern FB Biologie
14.07.2005 09.09.2008
Cystallization and structural analysis of three transcriptional regulators from eubacteria and archaea: Aes. Mlc and TrmB FB Biologie
11.07.2005 30.06.2008
Cholesterol Oxidase FB Biologie
14.06.2005 31.12.2007
Regulation der CO2-Fixierung in Diatomeen-Plastiden FB Biologie
02.06.2005 31.12.2009
Transportvorgänge in den komplexen Plastiden der Diatomeen FB Biologie
31.05.2005 30.05.2007
Chemical and molecular biological approaches to elucidate the biochemical and biological functions of polyubiquitin chains FB Biologie
06.05.2005 05.05.2007
Proteasome molecular composition, biosynthesis, turnover and function during viral infection FB Biologie
15.04.2005 30.09.2008
Function and Regulation of Prostacyclin Synthase FB Biologie
14.03.2005 31.08.2008