524 results Search result for "Institution: Department of Biology"

Title Institution Start date End date
Species Delimitation in East African Cichlid Fish Adaptive Radiations FB Biologie
01.10.2018 31.03.2024
Novel antibiotics targeting multidrug-resistant high priority pathogens FB Biologie
01.10.2018 30.06.2022
Aquatisch-terrestrische Kopplung: Export von mehrfachgesättigten Fettsäuren aus aquatischen Ökosystemen durch Insekten und mögliche Konsequenzen für terrestrische Konsumenten Limnologisches Institut
01.10.2018 31.03.2022
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation during Rapid Speciation FB Biologie
01.10.2018 31.03.2022
Forschungskostenzuschuß Dr. Melisa OLAVE FB Biologie
01.10.2018 30.09.2020
Transregio SFB-Initiative FB Biologie
01.10.2018 31.12.2018
Primary productivity of different phytoplankton groups in Lake Constance FB Biologie
01.09.2018 31.07.2021
Identification of bacteria-derived LRH-1 agonist and their potential application in the treatment of metabolic syndrome FB Biologie
01.09.2018 31.12.2018
Uncovering the drivers of collective movement at individual and group scales in Meerkats FB Biologie
01.06.2018 30.11.2019
Towards understanding the genetic basis of appetitive aggressive behavior FB Biologie
01.04.2018 30.09.2021